Monday, April 20, 2009

Toilet Seats & Weddings

Here's my first outrage: 
About 10 months ago I bought a toilet seat that I decided I didn't really need. I kept it anyway and stored it in the garage. So a week ago, someone (probably Alex) broke the toilet seat and it cracked in half. AH HA, I've got once. Yeah, now I don't have to spend that $25 again, I've got one in the garage. So after 3-4 days of reminding my husband to change it, I got it from the garage, put it in his hands and lovingly asked him to change it.  :)  He says, "we have a problem".  "what problem?"  "It's broken and it's been used."  How do we know it's been used you ask???  I'm sure you can  figure that out.. Gross!  So, now I have a potential fight with either Lowes or Home Depot (can't remember, so it may be two fights), a broken seat and something to outrage about.

2nd outrage: 
Is more of a statement than an outrage. Chris told me I couldn't go into details. But I should get a badge of honor for all the crap I put up with from Cranky people at weddings. And let me just say that it's hardly ever the bride. They are wonderful.. Most of the time it's the mom, but even in this case the mom was a gem.  No, there are still others that can put me in a funk and I have to just smile.. Ugh..  Let's just say I have to pray a lot while I work. 

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