Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Air Pollution and Weather = Outrageous

I just read this on - I knew going into reading this that my suspicions were correct and I just had to laugh.

Scroll down towards the bottom, and see what city ranks number one in the "worst" category. No shock there.

And my other daily outrage for the day - the weather.

Yesterday I was in Baltimore, shorts and a t-shirt, sweating profusely and watching the Angels beat the Orioles (yay!). On a side note, I caught a foul ball at the game. My 5 seconds of being live, on camera fame. It was 90 degrees yesterday.

Today, 24 hours later, I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt, bundled up in a jacket and carrying an umbrella. Its 50 degrees today.

Why? Granted I don't like sweating buckets, but I do love warm weather. Why was DC blessed with gorgeous weather for just a few days only to be doused with rain, doom and gloom for the next week?


  1. psh, we dont need no stinking air in bakersfield!

  2. That's it susie, keep avoiding the truth. ;) Lesley quit whining. If you like warm weather so much you shouldn't have moved to the east! At least Soux Falls is apparently a clean place to live. Notice what city DID NOT turn up on the dirty list? :)
