Sunday, April 19, 2009

My DAILY outrage

My daily outrage and it really is a daily outrage, is the complete lack of flushers in my household. There really is very few steps to going to the bathroom but for some reason my blessed loved ones frequently forget to flush.
It would not be such an outrage if it were only pee but yeah, and it would not be such an outrage if it were only the children but yeah.
Come on, I take a lot of time and energy in bringing food into the house and making meals for everyone but I can honestly do without (for the rest of my life) the aftermath of having to witness just how well I keep everyone fed.


  1. Well,in his formative years he did live in SB County during the drought. We were taught "If its brown, flush it down, if its yellow, let it mellow..." Hmmmm, so that still doesn't excuse him, does it?
