Sunday, August 16, 2009

Microphones in the picture

Ok, can I get everyone to agree that "Julie and Julia" is a major big budget studio film? Then why the heck did someone allow the microphone to be visible in many scenes of the movie, not just barely there, but bobbing around at the top of the screen? It was very distracting...It reminds you that you are just watching a movie, pulls you out emotionally. I have never seen that before, and I don't know whose fault it was...but they should be fired!


  1. Chris says that he heard Roger Eibert (sp?) say that when that happens, it's the fault of the projectionist. ie. the guy in the box behind your head running the movie.. Chris said it was on Roger's blog.

    So, I guess contact your local theater.
    :) Lacey

  2. I thought that that might be the case, but I found someone in NYC and someone that was in Chicago that complained of the same thing...
